70+ Common and Helpful Keyboard Shortcuts on Windows

In this article, we will list the most common and helpful keyboard shortcuts on , both beginner and advanced ones. These are simple tricks all computer users should learn so they can operate their computers faster and easier. We know that typing on a computer is often very slow or tedious. That’s why keyboard shortcuts were invented to take advantage of our hands as much as possible. Unfortunately, most of them are hidden and you probably didn’t even know they existed! The good news is that many operating systems now have integrated search features, which allow us to find all available keyboard shortcuts easily with just a few keystrokes.

Essential Windows Shortcuts

Shortcut Windows 11


Copy Ctrl + C
Cut Ctrl + X
Paste Ctrl + V
Undo Ctrl + Z
Find Ctrl + F
Search and replace Ctrl + H
Select all Ctrl + A
Bold Ctrl + B
Italic Ctrl + I
Underline Ctrl + U
Superscript Ctrl + Shift + =
Subscript Ctrl + =
Rename F2
File menu Alt + F
Edit menu Alt + E
View menu Alt + V
Print Ctrl + P
Command Prompt/Terminal
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Select current line Ctrl + A
Move one line up/down Ctrl + Up / Ctrl + Down
Search Ctrl + F
New tab Ctrl + Win + T
List files and folders dir
Full path of current folder/directory cd
Change folder/directory cd <path to directory>
One directory up in directory tree cd..
Move to root directory cd
Create new directory in current directory mkdir newFolder
Create new file echo some-text > fileName(.txt)
Remove a directory rmdir myFolder
Rename a directory ren oldFolderName newFolderName
Copy a directory robocopy myFolder <path to destination directory>
Move a directory move myFolder <path to destination directory>
Remove a file del myFile
Rename a file ren oldFileName newFileName
Copy a file copy myFile <path to destination directory>
Move a file move myFile <path to destination directory>
Clear the screen cls
Concatenate and print a file myFile
Count lines in a file C:/../myFile PIPE** find “” /v /c
Close window Type Exit then Enter


New tab Ctrl + T
Focus on browser address bar Alt + D
Go to browser home page Alt + Home
Add .com to URL Ctrl + Enter
Add to current page bookmark Ctrl + D
Close current window Ctrl + W


System search Windows, then type
Show or hide desktop Windows + D
Peek desktop Windows + ,
Resize or minimize app Windows + Down arrow
Minimize all apps Windows + M
Switch between active windows Alt + Tab
Close active window Alt + F4
Toggle full screen F11
Launch taskbar app with the position specified by the number Windows + Number
Save screenshot of the screen Windows + Print Screen
Copy screen screenshot to clipboard Print Screen
Copy active window screenshot Alt + Print Screen
Narrator in Windows / VoiceOver in Mac Windows + Ctrl + Enter
Start menu in Windows / Dock in Mac Windows
File Explorer in Windows / Open Search in Finder Windows + E
Character Map Windows + R, type charmap, then Enter
Settings / Preferences Windows + I


Lock desktop Windows + L
Sign out Ctrl + Alt + Del, click Sign out
Sleep or standby Windows + X then U then S
Shutdown Windows + X then U then U
Restart Windows + X then U then R
Force shutdown Hold power button


The best way to start is to take advantage of some of the features that are already built into your computer and apps. Knowing how to use the most popular shortcuts can help you work faster, save time, and stay organized.
Tricky characters like Ǝ, \, and \ have enough left-handed special characters to confuse everyone. Luckily, there are many keyboard shortcuts that make working with these symbols much easier. Let’s take a look at a few of the most common and most useful keyboard shortcuts for Windows.

Windows Shortcuts and Keyboard Control Keys
When using Windows, there are a number of different keyboard shortcuts you can use to control your computer. Many of these are similar to shortcuts in other platforms like Mac OS and iOS, but there are some that are unique to Windows.
There are also some Windows-only keyboard shortcuts that you should be aware of.
Shortcut keys in Windows generally fall into two categories.
Predefined shortcuts are a collection of symbols that are programmed into your keyboard by your device’s manufacturer. You might even see them listed in the documentation that comes with your device.
Windows-specific keyboard shortcuts are shortcuts that use the same characters, often with the exception of certain keys or symbols that are unique to Windows.
Since keyboard control is the only way to go when it comes to controlling your computer, let’s take a look at all the common and helpful keyboard shortcuts on Windows.

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