Apple’s App Store Payment Policies, say Dutch Regulators, are Anti-competitive

Reportedly, the Dutch competition watchdog group has found Apple‘s App Store and in-app purchase rules to be anti-competitive. The group has already requested that Apple change the rules. According to Reuters, “four persons familiar with the case” have confirmed this.
As early as 2019, the Dutch began looking into whether or not Apple was abusing its market dominance by engaging in illegal business practises. Since then, the spotlight has shifted to dating applications in particular. There was a complaint from Match Group, the company behind many dating apps like OK Cupid, Tinder, and that was investigated as part of the investigation.
According to reports, Apple was told of its results by the Netherlands’ ACM (Authority for Consumers and Markets) last month. Apple has not yet been penalised by the ACM for the studied anti-competitiveness, but modifications to the in-app payment system have been demanded by the ACM. This is what the sources say. Apple
According to the sources, Apple has already requested an injunction from the Rotterdam District Court to prevent the verdict from being published while it is appealing. The representative for the Court told Reuters that the action brought by Apple to stop publication was true, but she was unable to provide an estimated time frame for the ruling.
According to Apple, the restrictions for the App Store’s payment system are in place to protect consumers’ payment information while they are utilising the store’s services or purchasing items. In addition, the payment system arguably maintains a uniform App Store experience across all apps.
There has been a lot of discussion in recent years about how Apple’s monopoly on the mobile phone market gives the company an unfair advantage. When customers pay with Apple’s payment system, developers pay a commission of between 15 and 30 percent. This includes recurring subscription payments as well. If apps wish to be listed on the App Store, they must use the system because there are no other app shops.