How To Change or Reset Your Netflix Password

Maybe you’ve forgotten or decided to change or reset your Netflix password to a more secure one, This tutorial will help you out.
Netflix is Recorded as the most popular online movie streaming with over 193 million users and wonderful shows which makes its users not to leave the screen.
This also applies to any account online, its good to always change your passwords regularly so as to keep it secured from any third parties to avoid being kicked out unaware.
There are two ways you can use to change your Netflix password, either you change it through app or online on their website.
Here are the guidelines to help you change or reset your Netflix Password easily.
How to change your Netflix password via your browser
Visit Netflix site ( and click Sign In at the top right corner of the screen.
Sign In and select your profile where you will be taken to Netflix’s main Landing Page. Now Take your cursor on your profile picture in the Right corner of your browser and select Account from the drop-down.

Under the Membership section, you will see your password. Now click on Change Password.

There you input your current password in the first box and then enter your desired new password in the second box and repeat the same in the third box.
Below, Make sure you check the radio button with “Require all devices to sign in again with new password” so that it will prompt any third party using your account to enter the new password which only you know at the month.

How to change your Netflix password on your mobile
This shows you how you can also change the password through the app. Log in the app, select profile, and click on the More st the bottom right of the app.
Click on Account, then Account settings then open in your device browser. Now follow the same step stated above to change your password.
How to choose a strong password
Anytime you want to choose your password, make sure it has mixed characters e.g (Cloudorian446#), as you can see I used Upper case from the beginning and then lowercase for the rest mixed with 3 numbers and one other character which is unique to me.
it is advisable not to use the same password for any other account like email because if your password is to be compromised that means the hacker can equally get your email or other accounts.
You can also use password generators to generate a secure password (Search Google for it).
How to reset your Netflix password
Resetting your password means you have forgotten your password and want to get a new one.
Visit Netflix (either from Browser or App), Under the sign-in button, click on ‘Need help?’.
Now you can reset your password using email or mobile number associated with your account. in case you don’t remember your email then use SMS to get a verification code and reset your password.

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