How To Start A Blog and Start Making Money

Digitalization is now taking over. Online Business is now paying well than some of the old white-collar jobs which one of them is to learn Blogging, I am going to be concentrating on How To Start A Blog and Start Making Money. Getting your own blog site is not easy and also managing it is another task you have to learn. There are millions of blog sites like this one in the world, Most of them earn their living just by writing to entertain people.
To start up any business, it requires capital, plans, and other resources to help you set it up well to avoid loss. Business like a blog needs an update, better management, etc. Let’s take for instance is a movie blog and always updates the latest movies which keep their users coming for more daily and thereby making a profit from it passively without having to work tediously (Not saying tedious wok don’t pay though). Most students live off their parents/guardian income during College/University while some use online biz to make money for themselves without bothering their parents. So today you don’t need to wait for any job, just follow these simple steps and start making money.
A Blog site needs the followings to function well;
- Web Host
- Domain Name
- Mobile Device (Smartphone)/PC
- Cash/Money
Steps on How To Start A Blog and Start Making Money
Now, Having gotten all this, the First thing to do is to Find a Good Hosting Company Like Namecheap, Bluehost (I will be using Bluehost because it is better).
Visit Bluehost (CLICK HERE) and then click on Get Started to Buy Your Host.
Choose Your Hosting Plan according to your budget, but mostly I recommend people to buy Choice Plus Because its Unlimited and then Enter your domain name you wish to buy (You can use for a domain suggestion).
Fill in the details correctly and then Enter your Card Details to pay (Preferably Mastercard, Visa).
After successful payment and Confirmation of your email, Head over to your cPanel with your details and log in (Always Now click on Softaculous Installer and then choose WordPress and then Install, Enter your details, and click install.
After Installation, Head over to your site admin (always and log in.
Its time to set up your site, Click on Menu and then Appearance >> Themes >> Add New and Select New Theme from the themes provided or you can download theme then upload it using the upload new theme there. After setting your theme, Click on Settings and Edit All as you like and save.
Installing Plugins:
Click on the Menu then Plugins >> Add New Plugins and Search any Desired Plugin You want.
Some of the Important Plugins are Yoast, Jetpack, Akismet, Cache Plugins (WP-Cache, WP Rocket, etc).
How To Post:
After you have finished setting up your blog, Now click on Menu, Select Post >> Add New and then start posting.
How To Make Money with The Blog:
These are the methods you can use to monetize your site;
- Ads Publishing ( Adsense,
- Affiliates
- Selling Ebooks
- Reselling Products
- Direct Advertising from People
I think this explains to you on How To Start A Blog and Start Making Money. Feel free to comment your complaints, suggestions, or compliments below. Thanks