One UI 4 with Android 12 is Now Available for the Galaxy S21 Family

In recent weeks, has been putting its Galaxy S21 flagship smartphones through a public beta of 4 based on 12, and today is finally the day you’ve been waiting for. The S21, S21+, and S21 Ultra will begin receiving One UI 4 soon, according to the company. Inadvertently published rollout schedules first revealed that these handsets would receive the update this month, and now this.

Expect the rollout to begin today, but don’t expect it to reach every single device on the market in a matter of weeks. Yet there’s more to come. New watch faces and “enhanced health features” will also be available in the upcoming Galaxy Watch, Galaxy Watch Active, Galaxy Watch Active2, and Galaxy Watch3 updates.

As far as we know, Samsung hasn’t given us any more information about the rollout of the One UI 4 update. Most of us think the company will stay in its native Korea, but we can only wait and see. Within the next few hours, we expect to hear from users about their experiences.

More GIF and sticker options are available from the keyboard as well as a slew of new Color Palettes in the latest One UI 4 release. There is a new privacy dashboard in the new software version, which alerts you whenever an app is trying to access your camera or microphone.


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