Snapdragon 8 Gen1 will be Officially Unveiled on November 30th, According to Qualcomm

Qualcomm has revealed some modifications to its branding approach for mobile SoCs (which it refers to as “platforms”), as well as the fact that there are now over 2 billion Snapdragon devices in use around the globe.
According to recent reports, Qualcomm has decided to change the moniker of its mobile platforms. Starting with the latest flagship Snapdragon 8-series platform, the names will include “a single-digit series and generation number.” The Snapdragon 8 Gen1 will not be referred as as the Snapdragon 898 or anything like that by Qualcomm. Snapdragon 8 Gen1 will be replaced by its successor in 2022, which will be Snapdragon 8 Gen2.
The Snapdragon 7, 6, and 4 families have all had numerous members available at the same time, so it will be fascinating to see what this means for lower-tier chips. But for the time being, the corporation is keeping quiet about it all.
Next, Qualcomm’s name will appear less frequently in the titles of mobile-related products. Snapdragon will be a single product name going forward, with “particular links” to the Qualcomm brand where appropriate, according to the business, which effectively means Qualcomm and Snapdragon have been separated.
Since 5G has become so commonplace, the suffix “5G” will be dropped from mobile platform names in the future. There’s no need to spell out the obvious: Qualcomm is solely launching 5G-capable mobile systems from here on out.
For the iconic Snapdragon “fireball,” “new visual assets and other creative executions” are in the horizon, according to a statement from Qualcomm. There are also a number of new colors to choose from, including Midnight and Gunmetal. As a result, gold will henceforth be reserved for high-end products.
At the Snapdragon Tech Summit on November 30, Qualcomm plans to announce the first generation of the Snapdragon 8 Gen1.