Telegram 8.0 Update Allows Viewers to Watch a Live Stream Without Limit, and Has a Sticker Panel to Find and Save the Most Popular Stickers

The cap is being removed for how many people can watch a livestream, thanks to Telegram‘s announcement of a big change. The app has created a function that proposes trendy stickers, making it easier to get in touch with friends. When a user selects a sticker for their chat, Telegram will show this to them. Animated stickers will be included for customers as well. Telegram has also removed its app from the Wear OS marketplace as it can no longer be found on Google Play for Wear OS devices.
The most significant upgrade for the messaging software, Telegram 8.0, includes the ability to stream to an unlimited number of people. Starting a livestream in a Channel or Group Video Call will allow hosts to add countless audience members, without the need to invite them one by one. Additionally, audience members have the power to raise their hand, and they may join the broadcast if the host agrees.
The forwarding feature has been vastly improved for users by Telegram. Messages can now be previewed in a dedicated window that will display the message prior to it being delivered. Additionally, there are customization settings that provide the ability to obscure the sender’s name, remove captions, and delete messages that the user doesn’t want to send.
Users now have the opportunity to browse various Channels and continue through their material without having to stop when one of their Channels has ended its content. In the bottom of the Channel, people can skip over to the next one by swiping upwards. Users can organise channels in their chats by name, date, time, or in order of most recent to oldest posts.
A cool new feature in the Telegram stickers section is coming soon. To start, a new panel called Trending Stickers will appear directly above the Recently Used panel on the instant messaging app. The programme indicates that the thumbnails grow when you scroll through your sticker packs at the top of the panel. The app will have a bigger sticker suggestion preview.
Choosing stickers, typing, and recording voice messages are all shown in the chat window in the top section. Additionally, a new feature will reveal how many remarks in the discussion are still unanswered. Additionally, with the update, Telegram also acquired a new collection of animated emojis.
Finally, 9to5Google reported that Telegram’s Wear OS app has vanished from the Google Play store, according to claims from Google.