The Estimated Component Cost of The Apple iPhone 13 Pro is $570.

TechInsights’ teardown investigation shows that a brand new 256GB storage 13 Pro costs exactly $570 to construct. This reflects a 4% increase above the anticipated bill of materials for the 256GB iPhone 12 Pro, which is $548. For context, the MSRP of a 256GB iPhone 13 Pro is $1,099. This means that 52% of the phone’s final cost can be attributed to the bill of materials alone, excluding other costs like R&D, marketing, and transportation, as well as ‘s economies of scale.

Estimated Build costs for iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S21+ (source: TechInsights))
build costs for iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S21+ (source: TechInsights)

With the introduction of the new A15 Bionic CPU, NAND flash memory, and display subsystem, production costs have risen significantly for the iPhone 5. It’s safe to say that the current shortage of iPhone chipsets has contributed to higher sourcing costs for new iPhones. According to the source, a 256GB Samsung Galaxy S21+ would cost $508 to produce, compared to the device’s MSRP of $1,050 on Samsung’s website.

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